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6 Things to Know About Baby Teeth

infant dental visit frisco

Baby teeth, known as primary teeth, are actually very important for your child’s health and development. Whether you are a first-time parent, or a parent several times over, here are six quick fun facts about baby teeth!

1.When Does the First Tooth Erupt?

A baby’s primary teeth are actually already present at birth! In most cases, babies will have their first tooth begin to erupt between the ages of 6 months and 1 year of age. The bottom two incisors are usually the first and second tooth to erupt, followed by the top two incisors.  Just after a year of age to age two, or even longer for some kids, first and second molars will begin to come in.

2. How to Help With Teething

Gently rub your child’s gums with a clean finger, a small, cool spoon or a wet gauze pad can be soothing. You can also give the baby a clean teething ring to chew on. Some babies love the frozen gel teething rings as well. If your child is still cranky and in pain, set up a consultation with Dr. Bhaumik and Dr. Mila at 469-384-8130.

3. How to Clean Baby Teeth

It is easiest to use an infant toothbrush as the one found here. You only have to use a smear of toothpaste and some water and gently brush any teeth and gums after feedings. When the teeth began to touch is when you should start incorporating flossing once a day, using handle flossers. 

4. When to Schedule the First Pediatric Dental Appointment

You can check out our other blog on this topic for more information, but it is recommended to bring your baby in by their first tooth or first birthday, whichever one comes first. Early and often visits are the keys to cavity prevention. 

5. They’re Very Susceptible to Tooth Decay

One common way a cavity will form is through the excess consumption of sugars. Bottle decay occurs from babies and toddlers not having their teeth brush after having milk or juice. Another way cavities can form is through poor oral hygiene, which is why it is so important to stay ahead of the problem with regular brushing with fluoride and flossing. 

6. When Baby Teeth Began to Fall Out

In most cases, you can expect your child’s baby teeth to fall out in the same order that they erupted. This means that the first teeth lost will be the lower incisors and so on. When baby teeth are lost too soon, this can cause problems with the eruption of permanent teeth. 

Be sure to schedule your baby’s next dental appointment with us by clicking here or calling our office at 469-384-8130. 

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